Black locust wood

Black locust wood
The sap wood is light yellowish with occasional darker or greenish streaks. The heartwood is
medium brown resembling acacia wood very closely. Once finished, the colors mellow and
become more harmonized; the sap acquires golden tones and the heartwood goes down a
bemol to an amber tinge. The growth rings are very well defined which yields a gorgeous
pattern on the end-grain. On the face-and the edge-grain, the moderately-straight fiber with
occasional ovals and swirls is also outlined, just not that heavily. The black locust wood often
appears in shaker-style designs but it fits just as well in modern kitchen concepts. The yellowish
hue of this wood works very well with dark or slate-grey cabinets and a black locust island top
would balance excellently a stone countertop. Overall, the wood is very hard (about 1,700 on
the Janka scale) with great stiffness and durability and high rot- and decay- resistance. It stains
well but staining often robs this wood of its natural look.